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The Curriculum

Curriculum statement of intent

Our vision at St Edward’s CE Primary School is to ensure that all children will experience life in all its fullness in mind, body, heart and spirit. Each child is loved, supported and given every opportunity to ensure they can reach their full potential. We are an ambitious school; we are uncompromising in our desire to achieve the best in teaching and learning and this is at the centre of how we live together, demonstrating our school values in all we do, and how we learn together, with our curriculum being innovative and inspiring.

Our curriculum ensures that our children are engaged, can develop their gift of creativity and ensures our learning builds, lesson by lesson, term by term, year by year. Our curriculum challenges children in mind, ensuring children are stretched and challenged to learn and achieve well; in body, ensuring that children understand the importance of looking after themselves, both their body and mental wellbeing, and the world we live in; in heart, giving children the opportunity to live out our seven core Christian values in the way they learn; and in spirit, giving our children the opportunity to develop a sense of awe and wonder at the ever-changing world we live in, to allow them to consider what faith is to them and to value our local, national and international contexts and communities.

We understand and appreciate the rich cultural capital on our doorstep. We embrace the cross curricular opportunities that London provides. Our children also learn to appreciate the local culture and community.

Our curriculum is planned so that we continuously build upon and deepen our prior learning, ensuring we build enough knowledge and understanding to prepare our children for life beyond our school. Our curriculum is based upon the expectations of the national curriculum whilst ensuring there are opportunities for children to experience a broad and rich experience as they grow and develop. We understand that some children may need to take a different journey and will have a different experience of the first years of their education due to their own individual needs. We are passionate about being a school that embraces, supports and nurtures difference, and our curriculum is designed to ensure that all children can thrive.

We believe that our curriculum allows children to receive an excellent start to their formal education journey and leave as children who thrive in mind, body, heart and spirit, ready and prepared for the adventures of life beyond our school, with the knowledge and experiences that will allow them to experience life in all its fullness, both whilst with us and beyond.

Further information about our curriculum can be found below or by contact Mrs Sajuwa (Deputy Head Teacher) via. the school office. 

Our Core Subjects

Early Reading    and    English

Science Religious Education

Our Foundation Subjects


Design Technology Geography





Art Physical Education

Developing Cultural Capital-

                    'Our St Edward's Experiences'

Cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours and skills that a child can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a child will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work.

At St Edward's we aim to equip our children with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. We recognise that for young children to aspire and be successful academically and in the wider areas of their lives, they need to be given rich and sustained opportunities to develop their cultural capital.

At St Edward's we have 'Our St Edward's Experiences' which are 25 experiences that all children will take part in throughout their time in our school, from Nursery to Year 6. Children, irrespective of socioeconomic background or individual barriers to learning, should all experience these whilst at our school. Our experiences link into our schools mindbodyheart and spirit vision. Our experiences are celebrated on our Social Media pages, website and throughout the school in our 'Experiences Gallery'.



At St Edward’s we believe that a love of reading is a crucial, long-lasting life skill. Therefore, we have launched a new area of our reading curriculum; #ClassroomBookADay.

#ClassroomBookADay is a whole-school reading initiative that we have implemented into our school’s curriculum. This initiative promotes the goal of reading aloud a picture book every day of the school year to students of all ages from Nursery to Year Six. By the end of the year, we will have read 190 books! Reading aloud to children has endless benefits including:

  • Equalising access to reading for all students;
  • Developing a love for reading;
  • Increasing empathy and cultural awareness;
  • Improving literacy skills;
  • Providing all children with a positive role model for reading;
  • Bringing joy to reading;
  • Feeding imagination.

Our books have weekly themes based on global events, religious celebrations and book genres. You can view all of the books that we are reading on our Social Media pages and our school website.

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support)

As part of our well-being program, we offer ELSA to some children who need support in managing and regulating their emotions. More information about this program can be found here.

If you wish to find out more about our school curriculum, please do not hesitate to ask your child's class teacher, or contact the school office.


The Early Years Foundation Stage

At St Edward’s we believe that every child should have a vibrant, exciting start to their school experience. In our Early Years setting we enable children to thrive through the activities that we plan, and by the positive relationships that we foster. Our learning environments are set up to allow children to develop independence, curiosity and a love of learning. Children explore our indoor and outdoor environments freely during the day, leading their own learning and being supported by skillful adults. The activities that they encounter through play are carefully planned to extend language and communication skills, as well as to promote intellectual, creative, physical, social and emotional development. Children access the areas of learning through a mixture of child-led and adult-led play activities and focused group teaching.

At St Edward’s, children learn to be respectful and resilient, through turn taking, working collaboratively and being encouraged to persevere with problems. They learn skills to keep themselves healthy and safe, they make friends and deal with successes or disappointments. Strong partnerships between school and parents/carers, developed through regular, open communication and dialogue, ensures that our children are well supported to succeed.

You can find out more about what we will be learning here in our Curriculum Overviews below. 


More information about the curriculum of each year group can be found below


Show list Show Grid


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6